Somerset House Studios resident

Akinola Davies Jr

Writer, director and moving image artist.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Akinola's work is situated between West Africa and the UK as he identifies as a member of the global diaspora who is situated within the margins of being part of both worlds. His work tries to delicately navigate the collision of both colonial and imperial tradition and more importantly a return to indigenous narratives.

Exploring themes of community, race, spirituality, identity and gender, Davies' work tells stories that bridge the gap between traditional and millennial communities. These themes come with a duality: that of necessity and urgency in regards to the medium of storytelling.

There is a large emphasis on a necessity for clear intention in concepts and a willingness to experiment with form: the preparation and meticulous research for Akinola's films assume a central role and are critical to his image manufacturing, drawing from aspects of collective, individual memory and lived experience.