Former Somerset House Studios resident

Lilian Nejatpour

Multidisciplinary artist exploring technological invasiveness and sentiment.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Lilian is a British Iranian artist concerned with technology as a mode of evolution influencing our physical gestures, dialogue and language. She uses digital forms as human counterparts, exploring both the intimacy of online thinking and the changes that occur through our subjectivation on social media. Nejatpour questions how these two very distinct modes operate alongside each other and what problems arise when they are captured and re-situated in romantic conversation through sculpture and video. Recent shows include: ‘Dumbphne’ at Deptford X Festival and Mohsen Gallery, Tehran as part of TADAEX, and ‘Bassline- Zār’ at Protein Studios, London.

Hologram (2016)

A recent graduate, Lilian will undertake her year long tenure under the mentorship of fellow artist resident Imran Perretta. She will focus her time at the Studios on developing her current research on Zār rituals and spirit possession, together with a personal, interrogation of site as a space for sonic tension and rupture.

Despite her young age and early career status Nejatpour’s portfolio shows an extraordinary theoretical approach and conceptual thinking

Jeanne Charlotte Vogt - NODE Forum for Digital Arts