Puerto Rico


Soft Identity Makers

Soft Identity Makers will serve as a “national identity-making space” where Puerto Rico will generate identities for each visitor, no matter where they’re from or their national condition.

The subject of Emotional States is one very pertinent to Muuaaa and particularly to Puerto Rico. Being an island that has been a colony since 1492, first to the Spaniards and then to the Americans (1898), the subject of identity is an issue that is latent and certainly encourages various emotional states.

By allowing visitors to choose the images that they feel best represent their identity, the installation will delve on the issue of “national” identities and will invite visitors to reflect on: what they mean and represent, and how relevant they are or aren’t. Selections will generate a graphically designed result, reflecting a truly unique identity.


  • Design Team: Muuaaa Design Studio 
  • Designers: Miguel Miranda Montes (Chief Design Officer), Celina Nogueras Cuevas (Chief Creative Strategist), César del Valle, William Hrncir , Camelia Rojas , Verónica Rosado with the support of: Jonathan González, Bianca Montoya , Rocío Nájeraurriola  
  • Supporting Bodies: Destilería Serrallés, Cervecera de Puerto Rico , Humberto Vidal , Café Alto Grande, EDP University 
  • Partners: International Printing