
Sonya Dyer: In Conversation

Mon 06 Nov 2023
18.45 - 20.30
Lancaster Rooms
New Wing

Please note this event was scheduled to take place on Tue 31 Oct, it has now been rescheduled to Mon 06 Nov. 

Somerset House Studios artist and writer Sonya Dyer unpacks Three Parent Child, a new instalment in an ongoing body of work combining social justice with speculation, fantasy and the political.

Comprising a two-channel moving image work and multi-room sculpture, the installation Three Parent Child forms the final part of Sonya Dyer's ongoing Hailing Frequencies Open project – a reimagining of the history and radical potentiality of human space travel, exploration of the intersections between scientific enquiry, the stories of Black women of history and mythology, as well as ongoing conversations around monumentalism and memory. 

Dyer will be joined in conversation by artist and researcher Ayesha Hameed to unpack the new commission. The talk will include a screening of Andromeda and The Betsey-Drake Equation, the previous two films in Sonya’s HFO trilogy, alongside late access to Three Parent Child with extended exhibition opening hours.


About Ayesha Hameed

Ayesha Hameed (London, UK) explores the legacies of indentureship and slavery through the figures of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Her Afrofuturist approach combines performance, sound essays, videos, and lectures. Hameed examines the mnemonic power of these media – their capacity to transform the body into a body that remembers. The motifs of water, borders, and displacement, recurrent in her work, offer a reflection on migration stories and materialities, and, more broadly, on the relations between human beings and what they imagine as nature. 
Recent exhibitions include solo exhibitions at Kunstinstituut Melly, Netherlands (2022) and Bonniers Konsthall, Sweden (2022); and group exhibitions at Zeitz MOCCA, South Africa (2022), Liverpool Biennale, UK (2021), Momenta Biennale, Canada (2021), Gothenburg Biennale, Sweden (2019, 2021), Lubumbashi Biennale, DRC (2019) and Dakar Biennale, Senegal (2018). She recently co-directed the residency The Weapon of Theory as a Conference of Birds at the Banff Centre for the Arts (2022) and was an Art Explora Resident at Cite des Arts Paris (2023). She is co-editor of Futures and Fictions (Repeater 2017) and co-author of Visual Cultures as Time Travel (Sternberg/MIT 2021). She is currently a Senior Lecturer in Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths University of London and a Kone Foundation Research Fellow.

Three Parent Child has been commissioned by Somerset House and developed in residence at Somerset House Studios.

Supported by Cockayne Grants for the Arts, a donor advised fund held at The London Community Foundation